2015年5月25日 星期一

4th Quarter part C

C.) I think my plan for summer is either serve in the military or get a job and start making money on my own. I had already do the health check and some other stuffs for the military service, all i need to do now is to wait for the government to send me a mail which will tell me that where do i go to serve me duty. On the other hand, I had already start looking for a job near my place or near Dazhi, and i found several different kind of jobs. I believe that those jobs will be interesting.

4th Quarter blog part B

B.)  In  my opinion, the best way to choose a college is to find a college that has provide your favorite subject. If the college does provide the subject you love, the second thing that you will need to focus on is to see if that college is famous because of the subject you choose. The last thing is that you can also ask your friends which college that they are attending, so that you can keep your friendship and also having fun while learning.

4th Quarter Blog

A.) The interesting thing that I learn this year is that how to make a fried rice. This new ability is learned when I was working in a restaurant which near my place. Actually, the job that I was doing is bring the foods to the table for the customers, but sometimes when the chiefs are too busy, then I will have to help them to cook.

2015年2月4日 星期三

1. Comments on "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors"
  In my opinion, i agree with the statement, "Good Fences Make Good Neighbor". For instance, if you're having a dog in your place and you don't want it to go next door then this is when the good fences help. Good fences will block your dog in order to keep it inside your yard.
2. Story I Like
  " The Leader Of The People" is the story i like. It is basically talking about the conflict between the families and why jody doesn't want to listen to the story that his grandfather has been repeat again and again.
3. Inform Of A Good Place To Visit In Taiwan
  I think Dazhi will be a good place to visit in Taiwan. There is a shopping mall call "Miramar". Miramar has a second tallest ferris wheel in Taiwan and also contain all kind of branches. The food court in Miramar is also a good place for people to eat there, it is form by several different kinds of food from different countries.